Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Devotional: Members of the Body (Your talents are needed! You are special as You!)

Sometimes,  you get new perspective from the smallest details.

I'm writing this from my phone tonight.  We'll get into the details of should I as a Jedi and Christian have a smartphone while there are poor people in the world another time.  On principle,  my answer is no. Anyway.

As I was typing in the word "devotional", my phone's other suggestions popped up with "devotion", "devote", and "devotees". I thought immediately of apprentices when I saw devotees. Followers. Learners. I also thought of solemness, seriousness,  but also tenacity when I saw the word devote. As in, you devote your life to something true, and deep/complex, and deep.

Exactly what we're supposed to be as Jedi and Christians.  Seeking.  Learning (or open-minded to new ideas and experiences). Committed. Unshakable in our values and working to implement ideals for the benefit of all.

So, just a reminder to be a Jedi or monk ish figure even on the days when it's hard and you're burned out. On days when you're drained and just don't feel like doing anything.

On to my devotional.

I was thinking about sibling rivalry today,  comparing different family systems.  It left me with bitterness at memories of my childhood, even though by most standards I had a great one. It centered around fear of losing affection.

I was thinking that the verse for the day would be something to do with God loving each of us, but instead it was the verse about all of us being like parts of the body.  In other words, we're all different but necessary.  So God must be telling me to focus on my qualities,  the good things about myself that people can love,  and not focus on my siblings.  Because after all, we each have qualities that make us special.

So my good qualities are:

  • Patient
  • Stable, as Spouse points out
  • Decently intelligent
  • Passionate - get excited about new projects and have a heart for helping people
  • Tireless (at least at working at one sitting. ..over days is when I lose interest)
I'm not exactly sure what job I'd have as a Jedi. Of course, I'm still not sure what job best suits me in real life either.  I'm making do with what I have,  but there is no such thing as a paid peacekeeper or superhero.  I also realized half the reason Jedi are respected but real peacekeepers aren't is because of their superpowers.  Sad, because people I believe are trying their best,  even if they mess up occasionally. 

Hm. Don't know what the takeaway is from listing these qualities.  Time to think of a new job, is that what you're telling me,  Lord?

Prayer: Lord, I pray for all the people struggling to find where they fit in in the world.  I pray you can match them to fulfilling work, whether it's a job or some area of the community. One thing Star Wars teaches is that your talents are needed.  Plug in somewhere in the community.  Lord, please show me where my talents are needed in the days to come Amen.

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