Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Finding Peace

At a time when we're starting a new year, and embarking on new undertakings (that are hard/stressful...that's why they're our goals! If the processes for reaching our goals were easy, we'd already have accomplished them.), it can be challenging to find peace.

I found myself listening to a YouTube video today that I discovered (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xArFa3a136k), in which the speaker noted some reasons she had peace. I thought they were worth remembering, so here they are!

Things to inspire peace:
  1. You are at peace with God, remember, because of Jesus the Messiah's reconciling of humans with God.
  2. God knows you're a flawed person and loves you, regardless. He's like your best friend. He knows your quirks, and the not-so-nice sides of your temperament. He wants to help you grow, wants the best for you, and puts up with the hard parts in the meantime with patience.
  3. When you feel weak or down, know that God's strength is stronger when we're weak. God can handle your situation, even if you can't.
  4. Prayer - put your situation in the hands of God. If you make regular prayer a habit, it will help ease your mind about situations - because you're not in control of life, regardless of what's happening. God is. So praying will help you communicate with him, and trust him in those times where we can't see an answer or a way out.
Also, I love that the video was a woman reading the Bible aloud! All of the audio bibles I've encountered have been men. She read passages in a very calming, whispering way - like a mother to a child, or one woman to another. It definitely helped me to see the Bible in a new light, and my only hope is that I can find a good audio version of a woman reading the whole Bible.

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