Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Romans 10-12

My heart's desire and my prayer for you is for your salvation. You have a zeal for God, but are living in a fantasy, not the real world.  You sought to establish rules of righteousness, but they're your own, not God's, so you're not following God's rules of good. Christ is the answer, and completed the rules which lead to good -  He is the new good.

How do I apply this to my life? Is God speaking to my last post? Does this mean we shouldn't have rules we try to live our lives by?

But then, if we don't, it's easy to go off track. Hard and fast rules give you something to stick to, and help eliminate shades of grey.

The rest of Romans 10:
Believe in Jesus. Confess that he's the Lord and believe God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved, regardless of if you're Jewish or not.

Evangelism is important, because people can't be saved if they don't hear. And yet, there will be those who do hear who refuse to believe.

Romans 11:
As Christians, don't be arrogant towards Jewish people who don't accept Jesus, because God saves who he wants to (there is a remnant that will be saved). They were God's special people first. And if they then decide to believe, then they too will have eternal life with God.

-I don't feel like this message is directed at me, but I do like messages of unity.

Romans 12: all about the betterment of ourselves.
Live purely and holy, renew/open your mind. Build towards good. Be humble. Use what faith you're given.

God has made everyone to be different, so accept those differences, and use your own gifts to help. Some gifts are: the ability to speak God's mind/will, the ability to teach, to be generous, leadership, mercy.

Devote yourself to others, and be humble.

Be sure to have mindfulness of your own actions/perseverance, fervent towards the Lord, serving him, rejoicing, continuing in hard times, praying often, helping others in need especially other Christians, and generally being hospitable to everyone.

Do and speak good to those who cause you hardship instead of cursing them. Feel with others - celebrate with their joys and mourn with their losses. Bring peace. Don't take revenge (let things go). Pursue good, and you will overcome evil.

-Love this. Romans 12 is pretty much the Jedi passage of the Bible. It's all the good directives of the Jedi in one passage. Do good to others and don't meet evil with evil but instead with good. Be constantly transformed/renewed (and how else do you do that except by 1) continuing to learn and trying have an open mind, open to being changed by new experiences and knowledge, and 2) constantly staying in touch with God so He can fill you and enlighten you?)

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