Monday, November 2, 2015

1 Thessalonians: you're not perfect in your faith, and don't expect to be...Grow to be stronger

1 Thessalonians
Why: I decided to do 1 Thessalonians because if I remember right, that (along with Timothy) is basically a how-to manual for becoming deeper Christians, along with how to set up a church (or, in other words, what should living like a Christian look like in the world? How should the world affect us, and in what ways should we not be affected or be different?) I thought it fit right in with our “How to live as authentic Christians” mindset.

My thoughts: I read both the NASB and the Message (2 ends of the spectrum - the NASB being the most literal, the Message being the most "just get the ideas across in modern day vernacular" and not quoting at all, to help the ideas sink in better).
  • It’s addressed to people who are already Christians, and good Christians at that. So, no salvation message repeat needed. I’d like to think of myself that way - that the good work was started when I became a Christian (planted a seed), and even if we’ve toiled or floundered, we did receive the message, and this is going to help us become better Christians.
  • I don’t feel God’s grace or God’s peace with me on a regular basis yet, but hopefully over time those feelings will develop.
  • What life should look like: continuing to toil for God even if we are frustrated or not seeing fruits, trying to hold on to the idea that God will come through, and working to have patience (with ourselves/our lives, aka perseverance) which will eventually lead to hope (that sureness that God will come through)
  • the MSG: God has chosen me (and you) for something special (or the NASB, just the idea of God choosing us) - at this point, kind of hard to feel, but exciting encouragement. The MSG says “When the message was preached, it wasn’t just words. Something happened in you.”[the NASB talks about power] - good reminder. I’m remembering “that’s right, there was power, there was a change, there were all those strange occurrences. God’s power, the power of the Holy Spirit.” So, far removed from it it’s easy to forget, but I need to remember God’s power (to heal and do miraculous things, and send messages you shouldn’t know - all the weird ESP type stuff) and that God is powerful (the one who can do these things is powerful, and to make us His agents in the world...He chose us, that’s really humbling/awe-inspiring).
  • The MSG also says “The Holy Spirit put steel in your convictions.” I need more resoluteness in my convictions.
  • v. 5-6 who can we imitate? It is great to have authentic Christians to imitate. I also read something by one of my friends recently that said that it was great to have other Christians to encourage, keep accountable, be praying for you, give you guidance, and just be friends. There will also be periods of your life where you are giving these to someone, and periods where you’re receiving these. I love this. I need someone to give to. I also love the idea of someone praying for you - it makes me feel so loved to know someone thought of me and has me “covered” (through my joys and my trials)
  • the MSG: In imitating authentic Christians, you imitate God - how powerful!
  • The MSG: “Your lives are echoing the Master’s Word…[good thing!] The news of your faith in God is out [scary! I feel so exposed! But that’s theoretically what we’re going for here!]”
  • We’re the message - not the words we say, but as as people, how we live our lives and treat others. It makes me feel important, and unique/as an individual
  • More part of the Christian life: receiving others with immediate welcome, no questions asked, making people comfortable. Also deserting the idols of our past - comforting, because it’s a choice. We all started out that way, everyone did, placing our value and happiness in other things. But we can choose God and Christ. Don’t return to our old lives - take info from it, but not values.
  • God is the true God. any other God system or place of happiness, while it seems tempting and may even give a partial answer, is not the best answer. Only God gives a whole and complete fulfillment, peace, and answers. Everything else has some degree of falseness, or incompleteness.

My takeaway/Things to work on:
  • Keep toiling for God. Peace, hope in Him...those come over time.
  • Need more steel in my convictions
  • Find some good Christians to imitate, and try to impart my own good Christian lifestyle to those around me (or think about 1-2 specific people to invest in)
  • The role of Christians: encourage, keep each other accountable, give gentle guidance, pray for, welcome people with love unconditionally
  • I’m important as a person, along with my actions and choices- my life is a testimony about God to others (and that may be all the testimony they get, even if they never hear a verbal message). God, the ruler of the universe, took the time to choose me, love me, and touch me with His power, investing some of that power in me. So remember where the true value/God is, and put my efforts and hope there, and not in false things I used to think would give me the perfect life or find happiness, because no matter how good it looks, everything else is false.

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