Saturday, May 23, 2015

Christians Span the Political Spectrum...not surprisingly

Like Jedi, Christians encompass a bunch of different personalities and hold political positions.

In the media Christians are typically lumped together in the same ways: as conservative socially and economically, intellectually ignorant, with some pretty "out there" theories. Christians know that this does not represent all Christians, only a subset. Many Christians I talk to laugh off the media representation as "the crazies", but I don't think the general public knows the difference. (same with street preachers, coincidentally...most Christians I know cringe when they hear someone on the street yelling to everyone going by that they're going to hell. Some Christians I know think that, in a general case while God may call individuals to do different things, that it's doing more harm than good for the faith. Some Christians are personally offended by street preachers. I myself, as a Christian, find street preachers very uncomfortable and very anti-the personality of Christ). So it's nice to see a chart like this:

(Axes are Support for Evolution and Belief Climate Change is real)

The above is a picture from this page.  It shows that Christians both support or don't support evolution depending on the denomination, and/or support or don't support the idea of climate change occurring and climate regulations to curb effects. It is my understanding that this chart was generated based on a survey, and while every individual from each of the faiths does not fit in those bubbles, those bubbles encompass the majority of the people of that faith who took the poll. Please see the original page and study for more details.

I am a Christian. I strongly believe in evolution (with a Creator, of course). I have no doubt man-made climate change is occurring, and that the Earth is headed towards a bad state without climate regulations. I don't fall on the typical liberal-conservative political spectrum.

For the record, I have no problem with Christians who are conservative politically. I have no problem with Christians who are liberal politically. I think both can be true Christians, as long as each is trying to follow Jesus Christ to the best of his/her abilities, and is trying to act to shape the world in a way consistent with that. Logic may have led different people to different political ideas or methods, and people are constantly growing to be more Christlike, (and everyone will discover they were wrong in some points, I believe). As long as we keep a dialogue open, and are willing to listen, and take good points from the other side (even if we ideologically don't agree with them), that is what is ultimately important.