I've been working through a great yoga youtube series that I love because it makes me feel strong, relaxed, and gives me a good positive perspective on life. Today I jumped to Day 26 of Yoga Camp, titled I Attract, mainly because I had 40 mins to myself and with 2 kids that's like winning the lottery. So I picked the longest yoga video that would fit in that window.
The mantra for today is: I Attract. What do you attract? What do you want to attract?
Right now, I want to attract...
Success: I want to have achieved things, and be recognized for my achievement. Because success just. feels. good. It feels like I've come a long way. As part of this, I want to attract time-organized people, high achievers. People who are constantly pursuing knowledge of new things, who are actually implementing their dreams (or working on it) rather than just talking about it but never doing anything.
Nerds and Positive People: Never underestimate the value of positivity. The people you're around will be the views you develop about your life. It's so important to have encouragement when we're going strong, and inspiration when things don't work out to get back up and keep trying. Life knocks all of us down; the naysayers will be dragging you down all the time even when life isn't throwing you curve balls, and when something does hit, they treat it like the end of the world. I've come to really value positivity and people who build you up rather than tear you down. Builders, not destroyers.
Side note: the Bible talks a lot about the devil as a destroyer, but not necessarily just in a big hit...you can demolish a building stone by stone, a little bit every day, over time just as well. So too can little bits of negativity from the same crowd every day wear you down.
And nerds, because I like quirky people. I like people who are into a franchise, really into it, and don't think that's stupid or immature or a waste of time and money. Because I like to dream, and those people dream big dreams, so we can dream big dreams and plan an amazing future together.
Side note: I really hate being told I should basically just accept that life is droll. Both my mom and Spouse have given me variations of that. It is what you make it. If you dream big dreams, you can make life more exciting - think of us going to the moon! If you accept things as they are and just try to succeed within that system, nothing changes, and life IS droll and boring. Yes, I've had to accept that maybe I and my kids will never walk a space station's halls or fight/befriend aliens. In some ways, I have gotten around this by trying to make things here on this planet relatable, like trying to take the same excitement I would meeting/living in an alien culture and applying it to people living in a different culture here on Earth). I like people who are witty (who doesn't?) who make me laugh in a clever way, preferrably without putting other people down. I don't really know what else I'd like in the people around me. Maybe diversity? Patience/responding well to situations for sure, in a respectful way. I've had a lack of that recently, but I really admire those people who do.
Healthy eaters/exercisers: because, again, it's easier to make positive directions in your own life when you're going with the flow of those around you, and not trying to fight against them.
Hmm, I don't really know what else. A lot of this I'm basing on friend groups I had in middle school through college, but I don't know now as an adult what I want in those around me.
So my summary list of what I want to attract looks like this:
- success and high achievement, and reputation/acknowledgement for it
- high tech gadgets
- diversity and interesting people/places
- idealists
- vegans and people who respect all life
- positivity and encouragement
- people who are eat a lot of veggies/healthy, exercise, and have a positive outlook on growing
- creativity and artistic mood
- inner peace
- Confidence and self-assuredness in new situations or stressful times
- humility in familiar situations
(mix of sci-fi, Jedi qualities, and my current drive for success)
Next question: what does God want me to attract?
I feel like God's list might be totally different from my own. In general, God tries to attract down and out people (usually overlooked).